Milliput super fine white putty.
For the restoration of porcelain and other ceramics.
For the repair of antiques, objets d'art, Picture mouldings etc,
for sculpting and modelling.
Milliput is a versatile putty which adheres to and will seal or bond metals, wood, plastics, glass, ceramics, cement, etc.
Milliput can be sculpted and when set can be turned, sawn, drilled, tapped, filed, sandpapered, painted or cellulose sprayed.
Milliput is very responsive to water and when sculpting and modelling the use of water with scalpels, wire tools, probes,engraving tools, soft brushes and cloths, etc., is strongly recommended.
How to use Milliput
Blend equal amounts of each stick by rolling and kneading until the colour is uniform and free from streaks. Can then be manipulated like modelling clay. Milliput goes rock hard in two to three hours at normal room temperature.